International and Domestic Health Equity and Leadership (IDHEAL) UCLA Emergency Medicine

Suggested Reading

Global Health
Introduction to Global Health Ethics
Pinto & Upshur
This is a case-based discussion of ethical challenges in global health. The chapter on perspectives from the global south is particularly insightful.
Reimagining Global Health
Farmer, et al.
This is one of the only complete introductions to the history and context of global health initiatives.
The Lassa Ward
Ross Donaldson
A memoir about a UCLA medical student's first experiences with global health and humanitarian work. Each chapter explores global health themes and problems (e.g. corruption, HIV, etc.)
The 2013 Lancet special commission's report on the future of global health, written by several very prominent thinkers. They project where global health programming could take us by the year 2035.
The Bottom Billion
Paul Collier
In Depth
This work presents the idea of global economic "poverty traps" that countries fall into and how global institutions can help release them.
Disease Control Priority Project
DT Jamison, et al.
In Depth
Using the Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) as the unit of economic analysis, this paper addresses how countries should approach disease control from a cost effectiveness standpoint. This is a good reference for global health students and an important economic concept to understand.
Development as Freedom
Amartya Sen
In Depth
A landmark discussion of how individual freedoms and economic development are intertwined.
Health and Human Rights
Health and Human Rights
Mann, et al.
This paper introduces a framework for understanding how work in health and human rights can be collaborative and are interdependent in the advancement of either field.
No Más Bebés
In Depth
This documentary shares the story of a group of immigrant women who sued LAC+USC for involuntary sterilization during childbirth. This is a particularly important to understand the local history of community trust in Los Angeles County public hospitals.
Pathologies of Power
Paul Farmer
In Depth
This work uses examples from the work of Partners in Health to illustrate the correlation between the lack of social and economic rights to illness and the relationship to human rights.
A brief description of structural racism and its role in medical care that serves as a call to action for physicians. The impact on health outcomes for minority patients is discussed.
A physician anthropologist and ethnographer from Berkeley, who has written extensively on migrant issues and has actually crossed the border with undocumented research subjects, gives an account of border crossings and the health risks associated with them.
Public Health and Human Rights
Beyrer and Pizer
In Depth
Instead of the more traditional legal approach to health and human rights, this book emphasizes the interplay of human rights and impact on health from a public health/epidemiological perspective, and explores evidence-based approaches to addressing abuses. Many of the book's chapter writers are currently working in the field, as opposed to in academia, lending the work a distinct perspective.
Social Determinants of Health
Unnatural Causes
This four-part series of documentaries by PBS focuses on shattering the assumptions and beliefs that individuals have about what contributes to our overall well being. It eloquently illustrates that health is inextricably tied to the environments in which we are born and how power and wealth - and their lack thereof - affect not just access to care but also our ability to be healthy at a cellular level.
Marmont synthesizes his prior work and that of others to argue that not just poverty but inequality drives ill health.
The author presents a theoretical framework for understanding racism and guides the learner on the application of this framework to health disparities. Students with little background on conventional theoretical frameworks for evaluating disparities will find this useful.
Race, Racial Inequalities, and Health Inequalites
Smedley, et al.
In Depth
Sub Category: Race
A basic overview of health disparities, race, and institutional and structural racism is given.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Michelle Alexander
In Depth
Sub Category: Race
A forcefully -written account of how America has merely replaced the racial caste system with and equally devastating system of social control and mass incarceration. What separates this book from others is the evidence that the author uses to support her claims.
Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life
DW Sue, et al.
In Depth
Sub Category: Race
Racial micro aggressions, ubiquitous in nature, are defined and classified and their contribution to the perpetuation of inequalities discussed.
Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America
Jill Leovy
In Depth
Sub Category: Violence
Account of the epidemic of homicide in South Central Los Angeles and its impact on the community.
A great randomized controlled trial that examines the cost-efficacy of providing housing for homeless people with health problems versus the standard of care.
A randomized controlled trial conducted in Chicago that shows the effects of housing on health and healthcare utilization.
USDA Food Desert Map
In Depth
Sub Category: Food Security
Interactive map that allows you to look at specific areas in the United States and evaluate for food access indicators for low income populations.
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Anne Fadiman
In Depth
Sub Category: Culture
Anthropologic account of a Hmong child with seizures that demonstrates the disconnect between treating physicians and parents and the value judgement behind labeling patients or family non-compliant.
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